Geometric model classes

These most basic classes allow defining a geometric model in user-defined forms (see geometricModel) or in a parametric form (see parametricModel).

Geometric model


All the direct subclasses of geometricModel are required to contain the method reference().

reference(obj, par, dx)

This funtion samples coordinates of the model as reference.


[model, p]= reference(obj, par, dx)

  • obj (geometricModel) – an object of any subclass of geometricModel.

  • par (structure array) – each field contains a parameter value and its fieldname should be the parameter name.

  • dx (numeric scalar) – sampling rate.

  • model (structure array) – a structure object. Its fieldnames are x, y, z, and n, indicating the amplitudes n at xyz positions of the sampled model points.

  • p (structure array) – additional information of the model.

getDerivedPars(obj, pars)

This funtion calculates additional parameters derived from the geometric paramaters.


derivedPars = getDerivedPars(obj, pars)

  • obj (geometricModel) – an object of any subclass of geometricModel.

  • pars (structure array) – each field contains a parameter value and its fieldname should be the name of the geometric parameter.

  • derivedPars (structure array) – each field contains a parameter value and its fieldname should be the name of the derived parameter.

class @geometricModel.geometricModel(varargin)

geometricModel is the superclass of any geometric model. It contains methods for building own geometric models.

Last update:


name = None

names of model parameters

fix = None

fixing model parameters

value = None

values of model parameters

lb = None

relative lower bounds of model parameters

ub = None

relative upper bounds of model parameters

min = None

min values of model parameters

max = None

max values of model parameters

internalSettings = None

parameters that do not suit fitting

modelType = None

selected model type

modelTypeOption = None

possible model types of a specific geometric model

dimension = None

a scalar indicating the dimensionality of the model. Either 2 or 3.

listed = 'false'

whether this model will be listed in the GUI.


obj = geometricModel(varargin)

  • pairs (Name-value) –

  • 'Parent' (*) – parental obj.


obj – a geometricModel object.


The user can define what should be also displayed in the plots. :param obj: a geometricModel object.


items – things to be plotted.


Get derived parameters of the current model. :param obj: an functionModel object.


derivedPars – derived parameters.

Parametric Model

class @parametricModel.parametricModel(varargin)

parametricModel is a subclass of geometricModel. This class allows the user to define their model in a parametric manner.

reference(par, dx)

Please do not modify this part. If you have any requst regarding this part, please contact us.


Define the internal conversion of parameters. Skip this part if no conversion is necessary.